Honda Civic Dual USB Plate

Honda Civic Dual USB Plate


<h1>Dual USB Port Panel for Hondas</h1> I modified this switch plate so that you can have 2 USB's looking factory fresh in your 20 year old Honda. I wrapped the USB plugs in electrical tape to hold it into place, which also helps give extra strength to the clips so they don't snap as easily. Afterwards I used hot glue to really anchor the USBs down to the middle section. I'm putting this into an 03 Honda Civic but I'm sure it will work for a lot of different Hondas. The power converter linked is strong enough to power a raspberry pi in case you were thinking of using OpenAuto Pro. I also made a version where the USB's are turned 90 degrees in case your plates are orientated differently. The most important part is gluing the USB's into it so you cant push them into your car. I used hot glue from the back, that way it can be removed if necessary. The latest version of the "long ways" file is fully solid, because the clips broke the first time I tried to install it. Now it sits nice and snug ;) <h3>2 USB DC-DC Converter:</h3> <h3>T- tap wire connectors:</h3>






