Adjustable Optical Endstops for Anycubic i3 Mega S
I created this design because I haven't found a solution that satisfied me yet. Either the solutions were too shaky or not precise enoug or just impractical for me. Please keep in mind that it is still in alpha phase and I will change things from time to time. I'm also happy to accept suggestions for improvement. I deliberately put the holder on the outside so that you have space and peace to adjust the height of the triggers. The endstop holder can not be moved in height, but on the horizontal position so that one can adjust it. The mount will be attached to the Glider, which I purchased ready to go. In the medium term I would have the goal to print both the Glider , as well as the rail itself, but due to the low cost I may stay with the ready-made rails. The rails I have here are still too long, I will have some cut to fit exactly. That should be about 6,9mm (cost per rail: 0,40€). The goal is still to drill holes, the rail is currently only glued on. The mount with the trigger will be put on this: This is the glider.