HallON v3 installation kit and BTT Smart Filament Sensor mounting bracket for Ender 3 with Micro Swiss Direct Drive
# Introduction This is a remix of the Ender 3 HallON v3 Installation kit to fit a Micro Swiss Direct Drive set-up (recent models with additional screw holes on the left. Because I noticed that the hold of the sensor in the adapter gets loose after removing the sensor a few times, I’ve added a little clip which holds the top of the sensor in place. It also includes a version with an integrated back plate for a BBT Smart Filament Sensor, which allows to be mounted it on the x axis end stop cover, with a piece of PTFE tube going to the direct drive extruder. The advantage of this set-up is that all tubing and wiring stays at the front of the printer’s frame, so there is no obstruction to use the full height of the building volume. # What is the HallON v3? The [HallON v3 auto bed leveling sensor](https://shop.garage-makezone.eu/en_US/p/HallON-v3-Ender-3-Ender-3-Pro/43), using a Hall effect sensor (similarly to a BLTouch) and a probe which is deployed by homing the x axis and retracted by moving the nozzle low enough for a magnet to bull the probe up. # Which files to print? ## For use with Smart Filament Sensor - Adapter for HallON v3.stl - Bracket for HallOn v3 stop and Smart Filament Sensor.stl - Stop for HallON v3.stl ## For use without Smart Filament Sensor - Adapter for HallON v3.stl - Bracket for HallOn v3 stop.stl - Stop for HallON v3.stl # Other required parts ## Non-printable (with bracket for Smart Filament Sensor) - 3x M3x45 hex bolt - 1x M3x12 hex bolt - 1x M3 nut - 2x M3x6 or M3x8 hex bolt - piece of PTFE tube - cable ties ## Non-printable (without bracket for Smart Filament Sensor) - 2x M3x45 hex bolt - 1x M3x12 hex bolt - 1x M3 nut - 2x M3x6 or M3x8 hex bolt ## Printable - A front mounted spool holder, for example the one I designed (remixed): https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4879675 # Installation ## Probe deployment stop (with bracket for Smart Filament Sensor) 1. Remove the back cover of the Smart Filament Sensor and screw it onto the bracket using the same screws 2. Slide the stop into the bracket and fix loosely it with the M3x12 nut and bolt 3. Remove all screws from the x axis end stop cover, except the one in the top left corner _(be careful: these crews hold the stepper motor)_ 4. Install the bracket using three M3x45 bolts 5. Adjust the position of the stop, such that the probe is deployed at the same time as the x axis end stop is triggered 6. Install a piece of PTFE tube between the extruder and the Smart Filament Sensor 7. Tie the wires (fans, thermistor, etc.) to the PTFE tube and to the bracket using the little hole in the corner ## Probe deployment stop (without bracket for Smart Filament Sensor) 1. Slide the stop into the bracket and fix loosely it with the M3x12 nut and bolt 3. Remove the top right and bottom left screws from the x axis end stop cover _(be careful: these crews hold the stepper motor)_ 4. Install the bracket using two M3x45 bolts 5. Adjust the position of the stop, such that the probe is deployed at the same time as the x axis end stop is triggered ## Adapter (with bracket for Smart Filament Sensor) 1. Screw the adapter onto the Micro Swiss Direct Drive main extruder body, using two M3x6 or M3x8 bolts and the two additional tapped holes on the lift side of the extruder body 2. Slide the HallON v3 into the adapter 3. Connect the HallON v3 to the main board, replacing z stop (brown wire to 5v, black wire to z stop ground, blue or green wire to z stop signal) # Setting up the HallON v3 in Marlin The HallON v3 works very well and has proven to be reliable, but it has one very big disadvantage: a lack of proper documentation. The HallON website (Garage Maker Zone aka GMZ) only provides pre-compiled firmware, for some boards only available in Polish. Some information can be found on the GMZ forums, but again, only in Polish (thanks Google Translate!). Since my set-up required a custom Marlin configuration, I had to figure out myself the best configuration. One problem with the configuration proposed by GMZ is that the correct procedure for deployment and retraction of the probe doesn’t happen automatically, resulting in the risk of jamming the probe into the side of the bed. It turns out there is **an alternative and better way to configure Marlin** for the HallON v3, as I will describe below. This approach makes use of the similarity between the HallON v3 and the TouchMI, which is an auto bed level sensor natively supported by Marlin. I’ve opened a feature request (issue [#21726](https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin/issues/21726)) to add native support for the HallON v3 as well. Setting up Marlin for the HallON v3 requires changes to three files: - Configuration.h - Configuration_adv.h - SanityCheck.h (which can be found in the folder Marin/src/inc) This approach has been tested with the Bugfix 2.0.x version of Marlin from 25 April 2021. **The instructions below do not include Micro Swiss Direct Drive only related changes, nor changes required for the BTT Smart Filament Sensor to work** ## Changes to Configuration.h ### Endstop Settings #define Z_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING true #define Z_MIN_PROBE_ENDSTOP_INVERTING true ### Z Probe Options #define USE_PROBE_FOR_Z_HOMING #define TOUCH_MI_PROBE #define NOZZLE_TO_PROBE_OFFSET { -40.473, 0, 0 } _(These values are for the HallON v3 mounted on the Micro Swiss Direct Drive with all metal hot end, using the adapter I designed)_ #define Z_PROBE_LOW_POINT -5 #define Z_HOMING_HEIGHT 45 #define X_MIN_POS -5 #define X_MAX_POS X_BED_SIZE+23 _(This value is for the HallON v3 mounted on the Micro Swiss Direct Drive and allow probing as far to the right of the bed as physically possible)_ ### Bed Leveling #define AUTO_BED_LEVELING_BILINEAR #define RESTORE_LEVELING_AFTER_G28 #define LCD_BED_LEVELING _(See note on using HallON Configurator or Marlin built-in bed leveling wizard)_ #define LEVEL_BED_CORNERS _(See note on using HallON Configurator or Marlin built-in bed leveling wizard)_ #define LEVEL_CORNERS_USE_PROBE _(See note on using HallON Configurator or Marlin built-in bed leveling wizard)_ #define Z_SAFE_HOMING ## Changes to Configuration_adv.h ### Additional Features #define PROBE_OFFSET_WIZARD _(See note on using HallON Configurator or Marlin built-in bed leveling wizard)_ #define BABYSTEP_ZPROBE_OFFSET ## Changes to SanityCheck.h //#elif Z_MIN_PROBE_ENDSTOP_INVERTING // #error "TOUCH_MI_PROBE requires Z_MIN_PROBE_ENDSTOP_INVERTING to be set to false." _(This change is because the TouchMI probe requires z probe end stop inverting, while the HallON v3 does not)_ # Using HallON Configurator or Marlin built-in bed leveling wizard? GMZ developed its own software to fine-tune the z offset and to run auto bed leveling. With the approach I propose to configuring Marlin, I wasn’t able to get it to work. Besides that it isn’t very convenient for me to run software on a laptop, which requires connecting to the USB port, since I use this port to connect to a Raspberry Pi running OctoPrint. If LCD_BED_LEVELING, LEVEL_BED_CORNERS, LEVEL_CORNERS_USE_PROBE and PROBE_OFFSET_WIZARD are turned on, there is no need to use the HallON Configurator, because everything needed is provided by Marlin itself.