Pop Filter Arm
I hate the flimsy arms that pop filters typically come with, and i wanted something that would help me keep the proper distance from the microphone, so this rigid arm holds the pop filter a set distance from the microphone. I designed it to be attached to the small shock mount that came included in a cheap set from amazon (link below). The big arm holds the pop filter a total of 15 cm (~6 in) away from my AT2020, and the smaller arm holds it 10 cm (~4 in) away. You'll need at least two small nuts and bolts to attach the pop filterto the arm. The base of the arm can just slide on the shock mount and stay in place, but you may optionally also attach it with bolts to the shock mount, though you'd have to drill two small holes in the shock mount to drive the bolts through. Print with the flat side (what we will see at the top once it's printed) towards the bed. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B07X1ZWS2H/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1