Kingsong S18 underbody guards/bumpers
I'll add more to this later, but these are the bumpers that I designed and printed for my Kingsong S18. They protect the front and back corners of your pedal battery compartments, and there's a double suspension rail plug in there as well. These bumpers are great so you don't wreck your battery compartment corners hitting rocks on a trail or something like that. They have a small triangular "crush zone" on their anterior, so I'd say avoid printing with 100% infill. I liked 20% best. The bumpers are installed by fitting between the two halves of each battery compartment thingy. Disassembly is not required; the two stock screws are removed, the guard slides in, and the screws are then replaced. YOU WILL NEED NEW SCREWS. THE STOCK ONES WILL NOT BE LONG ENOUGH. - For EACH front bumper, you will need TWO M3x16mm screws. Personally, I like the hex socket ones. - For EACH back bumper, you will need ONE M3x16mm screw. The suspension rail plug is nice to avoid getting too much muck/dust/rocks/whatever stuck in there, which is great for trails. It's very easily installed, by just pushing it into the rails. Friction will hold it in place no problem. The two plugs are connected, which is useful for keeping your EUC bodyguard (by straps in place. Tipping, while not expected, is very VERY much appreciated, and that'll help me justify spending more time designing stuff for the S18. BOTTOMLESS bumpers have nothing on the bottom, so the 5mm of material there is removed. These are for technical riders that want all the ground clearance they can get. I would suggest using doublestick tape or E6000 adhesive on the sides during installation to keep them from being too loose from the battery compartment.