Canister Lid Opening Tool (Dimensions: Diameter 48mm; Rib Height 1.5mm, Width 1.5mm, Number of Ribs 8)

Canister Lid Opening Tool (Dimensions: Diameter 48mm; Rib Height 1.5mm, Width 1.5mm, Number of Ribs 8)


Hi, The reason I made this is well known to many of you. Sometimes the lid of these kind of canisters is very hard to open the first time around, or it gets stuck with sticky fluid in the cap. One file has the complete model in one part. The other 3 files are for printing it in multible colore. Note that i did play around with a different approach to print multiple colores in the same layer with a single extruder. The video I link explains how to do it. It is not made by me so all credit goes to the creator of the video. Link: I just turned the idea around and tried it at the last layer. If you use Cura you might need a Plugin called: Z Offset Setting by fieldOfView. I also put some pictures up for some of the settings i used (with my calculated Z Offset --> look at Notes in the print settings section for more information). If you need different rib numbers or dimensions, let me know in a comment. Have fun printing and have a nice day. ;)






