3D TOUCH Auto Leveling Sensor holder for Selpic Star A 3D printer and LABISTS SX1 3D Printer

3D TOUCH Auto Leveling Sensor holder for Selpic Star A 3D printer and LABISTS SX1 3D Printer


#Abstract This is a 3D Touch holder for auto leveling with Selpic Star A 3D Printer. What is 3D Touch? see https://3dwork.io/en/configure-bltouch-in-marlin/#Why_use_BLTouch_3DTouch and https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32890485972.html Files * `3DTouchHolderStarA_V2.stl` holder for attaching 3D touch to Star A * `3DTouchHolderStarA_ZhomeSupportV2.stl` When Z homing, It's for detection by sensor. If you use [Marlin2.0.x](https://github.com/fooandbar/Mks-Robin-Nano-Marlin2.0-Firmware-For-Selpic-Star-A.LABISTS-SX1), this support is not needed. * `robin_nano_cfg.txt` setting file for hot bed user. If no hot bed, fix HAS_TEMP_BED. Z_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER must be modified according to each environment. #Notice Be careful not to let the nozzle hit the bed while you work. #Preparation Do before copying `robin_nano_cfg.txt` * install the holders according to images * install the sensor according to images * connect PC. set up to send gcode commands to Star A. * set the Z offset value 1. Do manual leveling. 2. Move to center. 3. Home the Z axis. 4. Move Z up to about 20mm. 5. Push pin down(M280 P0 S10) 6. Move Z down slowly until the probe triggers using touchscreen. 7. Take the current Z value(displayed in LCD) and negate it. (5.2 => -5.2) 8. set the value to Z_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER in `robin_nano_cfg.txt` #setup * copy `robin_nano_cfg.txt` to root folder in SD card. * insert SD card into Star A * reboot Star A #test * make sure there is Autolevel in the menu. * push Autolevel. #Cura setting * insert `G29` line to Start G-code



