Mini 50mm Guttering with attachments.

Mini 50mm Guttering with attachments.


** 20/4/2021 - Added inline leaf filter - glue before pipe to drain/butt to prevent leaves/gubbins getting where it shouldnt. 19/4/2021 - Added Hose Attachment piece. - This is so you can attach a piece of hose to the gutter to drain off water into your own container/water butt. If printed on its side (with support) so the gutter is vertical then the support that partially fills the hose "hole" might as well stay there as a debris blocker. Rotate the gutters so they stand "tall" and (for the non holed one) you wont need supports Printed at 3mm and its a good sturdy gutter piece.. The ends & joints will need attaching with a glue gun. The 45 degree bracket was for screwing under an angled wooden roof... might be of some use to you Hope this saves you a few quid ! It certainly did me ....



