Crystal Barricades and Cage
These crystal barricades are all approx 2"x2" and 3" tall. Printing one pillar and two ends will make allow you to make a 6"x3" wall section that is used by many of the spells and powers in Frostgrave and Stargrave. I made them to hopefully be able to print unsupported on a resin printer. A corner was made to help with other uses and to hopefully help future proof these for other games. The Cage is something i realized I could make easily from what I had already thrown together. The body can be printed unsupported, but you will need to support the top cap part.They can be used to make a single LoS blocking pillar, or take advantage and print in a clear blue resin to create a ice-y prison for spell effects, or to just use as a dice jail to punish bad dice. lol