Kiddicraft Self-Locking Building Bricks
The original brick building system was developed by Hilary Fisher Page of Kiddicraft as the "Self-Locking Building Bricks". Lego was the first copybrand, initially copying everything from moulds to box designs to printed paper parts. Unfortunately Hilary Page killed himself in 1957 due to financial troubles. Lego continued using and improving the system we all love without ever giving it's original creator proper credit. For more information on Hilary Fisher Page and Kiddicraft, check out . In this project, I have tried recreate the original Self-Locking Building Brick system as a printable version. This is close to the original but not an exact replica. I put a focus on functionality as 3D printed parts. In the original system, bridges were done with a wooden strip and paper parts were fixed with a wooden push pin. For this 3D-print version of the system, I made a bracket for bridging which also works well and made the pin a similar way. The system is fully compatible with all other bricks from Lego, GoBricks, Qman, Sembo, Cobi, Oxford, Mega Construx, Xingbao, Zhe Gao, CaDA, Panlos etc. Note the recommended print settings, though. PLA damages ABS parts so I usually print my bricks in ABS. If you are looking for models to build, the Brighton Toy and Model museum [has some scans of the original booklets]( If you have a lot of modern building bricks and want to build some Kiddicraft models, check out [my Rebrickable MOC](