Husqvarna Viking, 6000 series Follower Cam Replacement, Sewing Machine Parts
Husqvarna Viking, 6000 series Follower Cam Replacement, Sewing Machine Parts This is the Follower Piece for the Thread Take up lever, i managed to break this same part in both of my machines. at $45+ to replace thought I'd give everyone an option. Mine both broke at the bronze bushing. That being said if the busing is ok, Still slides freely on the arm, it can be replaced. Just take a little time and some patients plus a couple screw drivers, a small spring clip tool would have been great but got mine off with screw drivers, it's not seated to deep. Step 1 - Watch these videos a couple times, so worth it the guy is great. Step 2- Print your Follower out or a good plastic, I did Nylon (horrible Print, gonna redo) remember needs to be resistant to oil. Step 3- Tear machine apart (follow videos, take Pictures and keep all parts in a little bin or screw back in original location so you don't loose them) Step 4- Fit new Follower to CAM Arm, these are tight so may need a little work with sand paper or drill bit. the Bushing needs to be pressed into the small side, touch of glue doesn't hurt just don't get inside. Step 5- Reassemble using videos provided (Pay attention) Turn by hand after reassembly to make sure nothing hits and everything is assembled properly before adding power. Add Power slowly, Don't go gun hoe right off the bat.