E3D V6 and BMG Extruder Hotend Direct Drive Fan Mount and Bltouch Mount

E3D V6 and BMG Extruder Hotend Direct Drive Fan Mount and Bltouch Mount


This is a universally (and my universally I mean people with e3d v6 hotends) mount to hold a hotend cooling fan, part cooling fan, and a touch mount. I designed this based off an earlier design, but I despised how the bltouch and everything else was mounted as it was really weak an under any stress/heat broke or became less rigid. This assembly is very rigid and will work for a long period of time. I recommend using this with an e3d v6, bmg extruder, 5015 blower/30mm fans, bltouch, printermods bracket for ender 3, and assorted screws. This assembly is designed to be mounted perfectly onto an ender 3 with the printermods bracket, and in my opinion it makes my ender work as well if not better than my buddy's prusa. Linear rails advised Just updated this by adding a (pressfit/glue on) fan nozzle, and changing bltouch mount dimensions to be correct



