Hen G's Weight Disk - A solution for Playstation's worn down lasers.

Hen G's Weight Disk - A solution for Playstation's worn down lasers.


Ok, i'm sure you're thinking "but how is this thingamagig able to make my broken ps1 working again?" Well, I've discovered that if you manage to slow down just a little the spin motor, even a heavily worn down lens/laser can read succesfully data from the disk. The mere role of those disk is to slow down the motor just the right amount to make the optical group work again, by adding weight and a little bit of air friction reducing as far as possible the stress on the motor. Depending on the state of your laser and lens, there are 3 main option: - Light Weight Disk: Good if you just need to correct some imperfections in loading and FMVs - Medium Weight Disk: Good if your console can't read some games (original and not) or some games have issues loading. - Heavy Weight Disk: Try this if you have to ressurrect a console from the dead. If it doesn't work, may god help you. PLEASE READ: Before using this trick, it is better to tune first the laser's power with its trimmer. i Tought of this solution as a last resort, when even the best tuning possible is not enough to make the games load properly. (however, this could still help an untuned laser). Even if these Weight Disks can be extremely effective, are a compensation and not a fix. You'll still have a malfunctioning console, but that can somehow work (more or less) properly. If your optical group has a mechanical problem, tilted spindle or other issues not related to the laser or lens, the disks cannot help. I cant guarantee it will fit on an aftermarket spindle. Originals are a safe fit. I've tested every Disk on series 5000,7500 and 9000 consoles. Depending on the shape of the shell the could not fit, DO SOME TESTS BEFORE DOING DAMAGE. Putting another CD On top of the Playstation CD have a similar effect of the medium W.D., But with a lot more stress on the motor.






