Anycubic i3 Mega Direct Extruder BMG CARRIAGE
<h1>ANYCUBIC i3 MEGA S BMG CARRIAGE</h1> Hello This is Direct Extruder CARRIAGE designed for BMG Dual Extruder and standard E3D V6 hotend set for Anycubic i3 Mega/Mega S. My target was to get lightweight BMG direct extruder carriage. Many of those parts are redesigned for weight reduction, so you can print with better quality without print speed reduction. This set will easy print TPU flexible filaments and is also very good for WOOD filaments. I recommend using ABS for all carriage parts but PETG should be also good. This build do not reduce print height or width of standard Anycubic i3 Mega/ Mega S Its remixed MT2 Anycubic i3 Mega Direct Drive - Bondtech BMG/Clone frame. <h4>FRAME:</h4> <blockquote> Main FRAME design was really good but in my opinion it has some defects. Main of it is to flexible engine holder, it could bend and it get some vibrations due printing - that create some print defect. To avoid it i made one extra support and lot of small corrections. Frame is also cutted in some areas where extra material was unnecessary. Finally mainFrame is about 5 grams lighter and stronger then previous. Do not forget to use supports for printing this part (some advice on 2 last pictures) </blockquote> <h4>MOUNT PLATE:</h4> <blockquote> Mount plate is connected with belt holder. Such solution reduce weight about 10 grams in compare to original metal plate + printed holder. </blockquote> <h4>PCB HOLDER:</h4> <blockquote> PCB holder is designed for 3 screws what avoid of moving. There is also new arm to hold cables, and extra hole for engine plug if you need it. </blockquote> <h4>FAN DUCT:</h4> <blockquote> Fan duct is made for 5020 fan, but its possibile to use it with 5015 fan. This duct allow for height regulation. Anyway you can also use any other fan duct for i3 mega and V6 Hotend because PLATE has standard holes position same like original Anycubic carriage. </blockquote> <h4>Parts you need</h4><ol> <li>SCREWS :2x M3 20mm, 3x M3 14mm, 1x M3 8mm, 6x M3 nuts</li> <li>FAN: 5020 Fan or 5015 Fan(with a bit of glue/silicon)</li> <li>EXTRUDER: BMG Direct Extruder original or clones</li> <li> HOTEND SET: E3d V6 or chinnese clones </li> </ol> <h4>Used Parts</h4> <p>BMG Extruder <a href=""></a> </p> <p>Hotend V6 set <a href=""></a></p> <p>5020 Turbine Fan <a href=""></a></p> <p>Belt 2GT-6mm <a href=",scm-url:1007.13339.169870.0,pvid:aa811997-978a-4c4a-a666-83e7079d9770,tpp_buckets:668%230%23131923%2393_668%230%23131923%2393_668%23888%233325%236_668%23888%233325%236_668%232846%238107%231934_668%235811%2327177%2329_668%232717%237566%23831_668%231000022185%231000066058%230_668%233468%2315618%23939_668%232846%238107%231934_668%235811%2327177%2329_668%232717%237566%23831_668%233164%239976%23556_668%233468%2315618%23939"></a></p> <ul> <h5> <li>You can use original engine from Anycubic extruder but its heavier then engine from trianglelab set. So i recommend to use Trianglelab/E3D Slimline Motor or any other small Nema17 engine</li> <li>Notice that original 2GT belt from X axis could be a bit to short to comfortable tighten it on place</li></h5></ul> <h4>BMG_i3MegaS.FCStd file contain full project in FreeCad with all parts also fans, hotend etc., feel free to edit it. </h4>