FT Gremlin Sidewinder Protect Camera Top Plate

FT Gremlin Sidewinder Protect Camera Top Plate


# Gremlin Sidewinder Protect your Camera This is designed to protect an "All In One" camera + video transmitter as shown. This replaces the top plate on the FT Gremlin Sidewinder. Please note that the "Sidewinder" is a different model than the base Gremlin as both of them use different Power Packs. Sidewinder uses the Turbo Power Pack. # How this model compares to others The older power packs are sold out. Some users of this drone may have the Turbo power pack and a dedicated video transmitter board + camera situation. Those users may not want to use this as those users are given a whip antenna for the video transmitter by default in the pack. (SEE BELOW) Github for THIS file https://github.com/esromneb/massive-octo-3D-print-adventure-2/tree/master/ The two notches in the back are for zip ties. Orient the ziptie like I have in the picture. Put heatshrink around the ziptie AND the receiver antenna. Heat it up to shrink and then cut off the end such that the heatshrink extends PAST the end of the receivers antenna a little bit. For more zip tie pictures see the sister frame below. # Sister Frame There is also a version of this file for the original non "Sidewinder" Frame. See here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2821913 Designed with Blender. Files for the frame: I don't know if they exist # Buy Stuff * https://store.flitetest.com/flite-test-gremlin-sidewinder-turbo-drone-frame-flt-1504/p739876 - frame * https://store.flitetest.com/flite-test-turbo-gremlin-power-pack-flt-3020/p948798 - power pack * https://store.flitetest.com/flite-test-gremlin-1106-6000kv-brushless-motor-flt-3030/p845488 - motors * https://store.flitetest.com/hq-prop-durable-t2.5x3.5x3-pc-green-hq-pt2.5x3.5x3lg/p775024 - props * https://store.flitetest.com/hq-prop-durable-t2.5x3.5x3-pc-black-hq-t2.5x3.5x3b/p778732 - props






