Snapmaker A350 bed mounted enclosure compatible raspberry pi camera mount

Snapmaker A350 bed mounted enclosure compatible raspberry pi camera mount


I wanted to be able to make the timelapse videos of my prints, but I don't want to have to spend the time moving the bed into position for a shot, nor do I want to have octolapse messing with my gcode after I've checked it in my slicer. I (unfortunately) made my custom enclosure to the same size as the Snapmaker enclosure, which means there's no "good place" to mount the camera to the bed so your item doesn't move in frame, if you mount it at the front of the bed, when you move the bed all the way forward, the camera would run into the wall. If you mount it on the side of the bed, when you move the bed all the way to the back, the X rail would run into the camera. I designed this with a springed hinge arm so it can pivot when homing, and then it moves out of the way of the X rail as soon as the bed moves away from the wall. > NOTE: I have the "old" bed without the extra reinforcing square around the outside, and I've only tested that this properly mounts to that bed frame. However, I've attempted to model this so it'll fit the new frame as well, but I was operating entirely off a cad model of the bed frame, so no guarantees it mounts properly.



