2 Liter Bottle Plant Watering, Camping or Beach Shower

2 Liter Bottle Plant Watering, Camping or Beach Shower


I added 2 liter bottle threads (16oz, 20oz and other bottles with the same threads also works) and resized the hole for a snug fit on aquarium tubing. The vent hole also fits a straw which can be glued inside and used on shorter bottles. Items you need that aren't printed: - Bottle (2 liter is suggested) - Approximatley 15 inches of Standard Aquarium tubing https://www.amazon.com/Penn-Plax-Aquariums-Flexible-Standard/dp/B0002563MM?dchild=1&keywords=aquarium+tubing&qid=1619396341&sr=8-10&linkCode=sl1&tag=zazenomdesi09-20&linkId=327770ec3a787671f197e0f424057c3c&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl - Water or other fluid you want to sprinkle Post printing: 1. Insert the tubing into the center hole from the sprinkler side. Leave about half to 3/4 inch protruding from the sprinkler side so it doesn't fall inside the bottle. 2. Insert tubing into bottle and make sure end of tube is near the bottom. 3. Fill bottle with water 4. Screw on the sprinkler. 5. Pour your sprinkling heart out



