Tevo Little Monster Filament spool holder

Tevo Little Monster Filament spool holder


This is a replacement for the Little monster's stock filament spool holder. It is fully compatible with the spool holder system I originally published with the HomeCube enclosure project (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3656392). The only reason why I made this special thing was that I needed a higher mounting point for the spool to use in combination with my filament duct/sensor (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4839840). Please note that you <b>do not</b> need this thing if you do not use my filament duct/sensor or something similar or if you use a bowden extruder. Of course you can use it as well in these cases, but there is no special need for it. Printing the parts is simple; just allow for some sturdiness (wall thickness at least 2 mm, infill at least 40% cubic or gyroid). Base and bar need to be printed once; of the bar grip you need two pieces. If you are not using the HomeCube spool holders for other printers as well, you may want to avoid the effort of building the axle drum (image 1 and 2 above) I designed for that system. So I designed a <b>very</b> simple bar that you may use as a substitute. This bar is part of this file set and consists of just three parts that are screwed together using two M5 x 15 (or M5 x 20) flathead screws. Just see image 3 above for the order the bar (orange parts) is assembled. I did not print this bar myself but can't imagine any problems it should cause, however, if you find anything annoying about it, just drop me a line, and I will see what I can do. If, however, you want to build the original axle drum, go to https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3656392 and download the complete file set. Detailed information and a step-by-step printing and assembly guide are included in that download. If you own a Little Monster you may want to keep an eye on my designs as I'm currently uploading parts for that printer successively. Also check 3Dvice's Little Monster parking brake: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2721009 This is one essential part no Little Monster should be without!



