ZOHD Drift Canopy: Lightweight Vasemode

ZOHD Drift Canopy: Lightweight Vasemode


My friend lost his ZOHD Drift's front canopy– so I designed him one to be 3D printed, _obvi_ The original one, even when printed with 1 perimeter and minimal infill, was still far too heavy and so strong it was vast overkill. So I redesigned it to be printed, NACCA duct and all, in vase-mode / spiralize-outer-contour (in cura). You can use heat up a paperclip or use soldering iron to melt-off the inside wall for an ultra lightweight canopy that's still plenty strong. Print it with a transparent HTPLA+ for that great translucent look. [![print gif](https://thumbs.gfycat.com/UnawareDamagedKob-size_restricted.gif)](https://gfycat.com/UnawareDamagedKob) ### Post your make! [![post a make](https://i.imgur.com/6U82CcZ.png)](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4840976/make) Please post 'em! Really! Take a quick cameraphone photo of your print in all its glory and show it off! Plus it really helps get this design out there to the world. ### Want a variation / label / engraving? [Telegram me](https://t.me/coolwheel)! _Designing stuff_ is fun but interacting with cool people and hearing about their adventures _is better._ I can generate any variation / engraving easily, [send me a telegram](https://t.me/coolwheel) and/or leave a comment and let's make your perfect version. I only ask that you post a make! If you'd like the CAD or STEP file too, no problem. Message me.







R/C Vehicles