Note 20 Ultra Razer Junglecat case/Universal Mount
I must preface this with the fact that I am a complete noob to 3d modeling and I'm fully aware that this current design has some flaws but as it stands I'm content with it. My main goal for this project was to have a more mobile gaming experience and as of writing this it's been very handy for both mobile games such as Minecraft as well as Game streaming with Xbox Gamepass and Steam Link. That said... The Razer Junglecat is a Bluetooth controller for mobile which released in 2019 taking a lot of inspiration from the Nintendo Switch. Fantastic in concept except for the fact that on release it was only physically mountable to 3 phones with no universal mount available. Well Razer I did it for you with my 3D printer and 3D Builder a free application for Windows. I've tailored this particular version to my Note 20 Ultra with the Official Samsung silicone case but customizing and scaling it down to fit other phones is very possible. And yes the controllers slide in and out and lock in place like they do on the stock cases. If you need this to fit a smaller phone I would suggest two options. Either remix this yourself using the dimensions of your phone in 3D builder/other modeling software or you can wrap your phone in saran wrap, fill the model with some form of clay/epoxy (anything that will harden sufficiently without changing shape too much) and press the form of your phone into it. (do so at your own risk) As for the design I must start with the rails as they are a hybrid of these: I found the outer dimensions of this model filled in the controllers rail cavity the best but the rail itself was too loose so the controllers slid in and out too easily with no click This design allowed for the controllers to click however the smaller outer dimension of the rail allowed for too much back and forth movement. By combining both I was able to minimize wobble to a negligible amount and get a satisfying click lock when sliding in the controllers. The rest of the body was trial and error prototyping. 8 versions to be precise with an average of about 4 hours per print. The clip was inspired by the Kishi's design granted executed with less elegance on my part lol. Please by all means remix this so we can get even better versions and maybe just maybe bring the Junglecat back into relevance and enhance the gaming on the go experience!