"Noyan" by Causeturk - Graffitti

"Noyan" by Causeturk - Graffitti


Hi there, this is another piece "Noyan" created in collaboration with the awesome artist "Causeturk". Noyan is a name from the arabic world. This print is only using colorchanges in Z, no multimaterial or multiextruder set up. It's the most colorful print I've created so far on my Prusa Mini. It's 5 colors (meaning 4 color changes). I'll attach the .3mf sclic3r file, where the colorchanges are already added, take a look for yourself. Feel free to leave us some feedback and also please let us see your prints. There are more graffittis on my account, so go and check those out, too. This wouldn't be possible without the great graffitti pieces by Causeturk, thanks for the smooth collaboration. If you like his work consider supporting him on Instagram with likes and followings (link below). ______________________________________________________________________ Links Causeturk on Insta https://www.instagram.com/causeturk/ Filament 1 orange. https://www.dasfilament.de/filament-spulen/pla-1-75-mm/10/pla-filament-1-75-mm-reinorange?c=11 Filament 2 (sky blue): https://www.dasfilament.de/filament-spulen/pla-1-75-mm/23/pla-filament-1-75-mm-himmelblau?c=11 Filament 3 (royal blue): https://www.dasfilament.de/filament-spulen/pla-1-75-mm/84/pla-filament-1-75-mm-koenigsblau?c=11 Filament 4 (infinity blue): https://www.dasfilament.de/filament-spulen/pla-1-75-mm/253/pla-filament-1-75-mm-toms3d-infinity-blue?c=11 Filament 5 white: https://www.dasfilament.de/filament-spulen/pla-1-75-mm/349/pla-filament-1-75-mm-tonweiss-matt?c=11 inkscape (open source vector image editor) https://inkscape.org/de/ Paint.Net (open source image editing software) https://www.getpaint.net/index.html How to colorchange: https://www.help.prusa3d.com/en/article/color-change_1687







2D Art