Parts for lightbar assembly for ender 5 frame

Parts for lightbar assembly for ender 5 frame


I wanted a low profile light bar that i could mount directly on the extrusion bar on the front of my Ender frame facing the bed. I made clips that inserts inside the aluminum channel and hold the LED channel with M3 screws. There are grooves under the clip to pass the wires and protect it from the screw (see picture). If you don't use the exact same LED channel i used, you can scale those clips to fit yours as long as they are around 12mm. I also made an enclosure for the a switch that is mounted on the left side of the printer frame. The openning for the switch is 12.8mm by 17.5mm. To route the wires to the PSU, you need to drill a 5/16 hole on the left side of the controller box. Deburr the hole with a larger drill, make sure there are no sharp edges I assembled this light bar with parts i already had on hand. The light strip i had was only 12V, but the Ender 5 PSU provides 24V. So i split the strip in two sections wired in series. The negative lead from one strip going to the positive lead of the other strip. This effectively drop the voltage on both strips to 12V each, as long that they are the **SAME** length. ##### **Required hardware** - Aluminum led channel ( - 3 M3x8 screws - 3 M3 T-Nuts - 2 4-40 screws or M3 (for the switch cover) - 2 Crimp spade terminal (to hookup to the power supply) - Hookup wire - Switch



