Star Wars Mos Eisley sliding door - Remix
I needed a door which I can easily open and close (and insert in a wooden wall) and I came into those nice doors from Mos Eisley. I scaled them to 1:18 (115 mm height) and made a sliding channel to slide the door just like in the movie. The door and its frame came too thin when scaled down, I was in doubt that I can print it, so I resized the door to give it some thickness and made a sleeve around the frame to reinforce it. They printed just fine. The sliding channel is made of 3 parts, one time the inner frame and 2 times the outer. I was able to print them in one shot, but if you have a smaller printer bed you can print them one by one. They are cleaned and glued together to form the sliding channel. The frame with wider opening goes inside. The door is inserted after the glue is completely cured and it slides freely. Be careful not to glue the door :) Original design is here: A squad of stormtroopers made a surprising visit to an isolated hut on Tatooine, just to find out there is a rebel pilot hiding inside. Blast proof doors are nothing for stormtroopers and Biggs is indeed in trouble ... Mos Espa door is here: