Letter "K"

Letter "K"


I am really happy with how this letter design came out. As shown, the block can be placed on either side and it will always show the same letter. Each side is also the same dimension of 50 mm, which gives the design an even and aesthetically pleasing look. One side is curved, which allows the entire object to rock back and forth when it becomes the platform. The overall process to obtain this final print was semi-difficult, but very fun. I really enjoyed doing this project and creating this letter design. I encountered very little errors when designing this object and printing it. The only difficulty I had while creating this letter block, was finding the right dimension and getting the object to print cleanly. After a couple prints, I was able to quickly solve this problem and get the right dimensions. These prints are small and do not take up much room, so they can be placed just about anywhere. Therefore, I am really happy and proud of the final print I have created.







3D Printing