Downspout Clip
For a couple of years now I have been mowing my lawn and having an annoyance with the downspouts. My downspouts have an extension that flips up to allow me to mow underneath them where the grass grows thick. So I would flip up the downspout but by the time I would get to mowing that area, the wind would have blown it back down. So, I would have to stop the mower, flip it back up and proceed from there. So as I was mowing yesterday, I thought, "Wouldn't it be nice to have something to hold the spout up in place?" My inspiration was that I could make one myself with my 3D printer. Also, I am newly using Freecad and wanted the chance to create something myself from scratch using the program. You will see the results as two STL files. Version 1.0 is just my crude first attempt. It works but isn't very aesthetic. Version 2 is my second try. I rounded the corners and created a slot that the bottom edge of the downspout fits into nicely. I may update this design in the future, we'll see how v2.0 works.