Adjustable DWIN Touchscreen stand (CR-6 SE, Ender 3)

Adjustable DWIN Touchscreen stand (CR-6 SE, Ender 3)


A touch screen stand so your DWIN touch screen may stand alone from the printer itself. I printed this because I have a CR-6 DWIN touch screen on my [Creality CR-10 Smart with BTT SKR board]( and I like the touch screen better when it is separate from the printer. Features: - Stand is adjustable - There is an extrusion to allow easy firmware updating using a microSD card (well... [easy, with a DWIN touch screen]( ;) ) Optional prints: Soft feet to print in 95A or (preferable) 85A TPU to allow increased drag on a desk. Optional: Print a washer in TPU (included). Optional: Cover up the screw holes remaining on the printer [with the 4040 extrusion end cap]( Fusion 360 archive and step file is included.



