Amiga Juggler
I saw a printed picture of the iconic [Amiga Juggler Animation]( in a DIY electronics magazine in 1987. This picture caught my attention and it was part of an article about the new Amiga 500. I caught fire and got very excited about this computer, thinking I could create my own 3D raytracings that I had seen on TV before. At Christmas I've got the Amiga 500 and it was epic! In fact, this image led me to the Amiga, computer graphics, animation, computer music, programming, etc. All this is the basis of my professional career until today. So here I present my tribute to the Amiga Juggler through a painted 3D printed model. If you like to create your own, here are the STL files, which are licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial - No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND). It takes a lot of passion for the post-processing, but it's worth it!