Tronxy X5SA Trashcan / Bedpan
Ok, maybe a trashcan isn't a thing that is most required on a X5SA. ;) But it may be of some help und has an interesting look (bedpan). :D I started remixing the original design because Tronxy seems to have moved some boreholes on the print bed mount. Hence the boreholes on the original design get mis-aligned for my usage. Once starting tinkering this, I thought about adapting it furthermore because I recently changed from springs to silicone dampers for leveling the print bed. These silicone items tend to widen horizontally as they are compressed vertically so they need additional space horizontally. Since we are going to print this thing from thermoplastics I didn't want it to get in close contact with the heated print bed... Hence I redesigned it to go underneath the print bed but without direct contact. Here are my results... The thing is now 9mm tall, while the clearance between the heat bed and its mounting beam is about 11mm in my case. I expect the 2mm difference to be enough to cool down the air between heat bed an bed pan sufficiently to not melt it away. If the bed is heated to 80°C then the silicon damper (that has direct contact to both the heat bed an the bed pan) has about 50°C. For comparison, the little foldback clamp installed there too has about 60°C. If the bed is at 100°C, then we got 60°C resp. 70°C. Since the trashcan doesn't take much mechanical forces (if at all), I don't expect thermal issues with it.