Big Bob Toothpaste Squeezer
I remixed This which is a toothpaste squeezer. When I printed it the original whole inner mouth broke apart. Cura said there was some geo issues so I spent 3 hours in Maya modeling it and stitched all the parts together. My VFX background came in good use lol. I also made the opening for the toothpaste a bit wider so the toothpaste end can just slide in. P.s. I included the OBJ file all clean no triangles and everything stitch if anyone wants to modify it go for it. ALSO PLEASE SUBDIVIDE MESH TWO LEVELS TO GET A SMOOTH PRINT IF USING OBJ. .STL FILE THE GEO HAS BEEN SMOOTH AND WILL PRINT SMOOTH. I printed this on a Anycubic Mega S Cura Settings: PLA Nozzle temp 200 Bed temp 52 Infill: 10% Quality .2mm 4 layers on outer and inner wall. You will need supports just for the feet as I placed them in the middle of the body.