Upgrade-Vintage Lens housing, Helios 44-2 58mm f/2 for PL mount

Upgrade-Vintage Lens housing, Helios 44-2 58mm f/2 for PL mount


This lens housing is custom designed for Helios-44-2, 58mm f/2. It is designed for PL mount, and some parts can be mounted sturdily using metal parts for general sale, and attempted to ensure high durability. (M42-PL mount conversion adapter and front filter adapter) Compared to the upgrade housing for the EF mount of the Helios-44-2 that I shared in the previous video, the rear and front parts have been changed. Other parts such as focus ring and aperture ring are of the same design and can be used interchangeably. For the front, a 49-52mm, 52-55mm, 55mm metal cylindrical hood and a 58-82mm step-up ring (filter adapter) were used. The diameter of the last step-up ring can be selected depending on the size of the filter to be mounted. The maximum outer diameter of the front part of the upgrade lens housing is 85mm. A 0.8M standard gear pitch is applied to the focus and aperture rings, and the outer diameter is 81.6mm (100T). [Necessary parts] -M4 x 4mm grub screws (16 pcs) -M42 to PL mount conversion adapter (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000393804930.html?spm=a2g0o.cart.0.0.11233c00gF34Ab&mp=1) -49-52mm step up ring -52-55mm step up ring -55mm cylindrical metal hood (https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_AK7oe7) -58-82mm step up ring If there is a problem that the setting value is easily changed because the aperture operation is too light, it is recommended to add high-viscosity grease (damping grease) to the aperture rotation thread after disassembly. If you use a low-viscosity or low-quality grease, it may flow into the part through the aperture and create an oil film on the aperture blade, so be careful. The PL mount rear lens cap is designed with 4 protrusions shapes for easy hand grip. There is enough room in the rear to fit on other PL mount lenses. File sharing is for sharing ideas. Use it for personal use only. Commercial use is not permitted. Refer to the link below for more information and print file(STL). https://surplusperson.tistory.com/812 If you found my designs useful, please donate what you think it is worth to my paypal.me. Your donation will be useful for a new housing design on a variety of lenses. https://paypal.me/suplusperson






