STRIBOG anti-viral aerosol trap concept prototype
The Stribog concept was derived from experiments to develop a clear mask filtered anti-microbial de humidification system. When the velocity stack was originally tried. It created such negative pressure on a 5015 blower fan that it was impossible to breath and had to be immediately removed. Performing as a weak vacuum generator for the Eye Cu smile filter housing. Throughout 2020 the concept was further developed and iterated. With intention to be scaled up as a portable anti viral concept. The scaled down concept presented here has such low CFM that it would take many hours to process the air in a small bedroom. It should not be used to filter viral particles, only to inspire discussion and experimentation. To filter aersols from an enviroment only HEPA filtration with high CADR flow ratings are proven to work. It was intended that sat on a desk, it could direct a cone of processed airflow to an office workers face in a static position. Aerosol visualization with e cigarette showed this to be the case, with a distinct cone of aerosol free air created like a funnel. But only in a stale air environment. It was quickly realized that this could also promote turbulent mixing of aerosol in the air. Its flow is highly directional and inappropriate for use as a filter. Hence why it was not released in 2020. DO NOT USE IT AS A DESK/PORTABLE FILTER It is a scaled down demonstrator prototype concept for research purposes only. After renewed global focus on aerosol airborne transmission in Q1 2021, I have decided to share the concept for discussion. Hence the draft nature of this listing. Licensing restrictions The license for these files is non commercial - no derivatives Due to the fact it needs further development (scaling) and certified testing before it could be used safely. Hence if it were to be sold it could be dangerous if thought to be as effective as a HEPA filter. I do not wish to discourage others to develop. So if you wish to remix or use the concept of velocity stack with helicoidal aerosol traps made of nanoparticle filament. Then contact me via my website contact page and I can discuss release of the license on an individual basis for research purposes.