Painters Tape Dust Cover
Dust cover for Painter's Tape. Works with 24mm / 0.94 inch x 60 yds. Also a version that holds 36mm / 1.41 inch x 60 yds, 40mm / 1.88 inch x 60 yds tapes. Problem: when you set a roll of painter's tape down the side/edges will pick up any dust, lint, detritus, etc. on the surface and then when you next use it you will have a bad edge, possibly with little bits coming off into the paint as well. Also, when you store the tape between uses, it often gets dirty while sitting in a tool or craft box, the junk drawer or on a shelf. Wherever you keep it, it can be ruined if it is left exposed on the sides. Solution: during use set the tape in a clean dish in between pulling out lengths to apply. Between uses, keep the tape in an enclosed case when storing. I searched online for a dust-proof case in STL format for my painter's tape and guess what I found? Nothing. Yes, there are plenty of tape dispensers, some very elaborate, but they are intended for plastic box tape or scotch tape and none offers dust-proof protection for a roll of painter's tape. Faced with this lack of availability what was I to do? I filled the void and made one up. I wanted a clean tray to set my tape on during use and a dust-proof case for storage and did not want a dispenser slot that would allow dust to enter the case during storage but I did add that option in case you want one. It may be just fine like that. Trivia Question: painter's tape is made in mm widths, why then is it sold in yards and not meters? 24mm x 60 yds seems like a mishmash of units to me.