Staple & Brad Nailer Non-Marring Tips (Central Pneumatic & Banks Brands)
These two objects are non-marring feet or tip attachments that are placed on the tip of the Central Pneumatic 2-in-1 pneumatic air 18 Gauge stapler/brad nailer (SKU 68019, 61661, 63156 & 64269) and the Banks 18 Gauge Air Brad Nailer (SKU 64140) sold by Harbor Freight ( and very likely made at the same factory. There are two versions, with or without the foot plate. Both attach to the tip of these nailers/staplers with friction tabs. The bodies of the two attachments are identical. The foot plate simply distributes over a wider area the contact pressure of where the tool comes into contact with the material in which it is driving a brad or staple. The "Tip Only" version fits into smaller spaces, but does not dissipate as much marring force. The "Tip With Foot Plate" version works well at removing any marring that can be caused by the actual tool. Of course, the brads/staples themselves will leave a mark, which is unavoidable. See the included photos, which demonstrate my "scientific test" :) that shows how much marring is incurred on a piece of Styrofoam when placing a 5 lb. weight on the tool and letting it make an indentation (no tip, tip only & tip with foot plate). The attachments are placed on the tools in a specific orientation. There is a slot or notch that indicates which direction is up (the top of the tool). The attachments hold onto the tool by gripping it with friction fit spring tabs. Additional markings are found on the Tip With Foot Plate; these are rulings to help with alignment of the tool (see the photos for more info). I designed these attachments because I am helping build a parade float and I am attaching compressed Styrofoam sheets to a wood framework. That Styrofoam is very soft (softer than the XPS used in my scientific experiment). I wanted to eliminate any additional marring/indentations on the Styrofoam caused by the tool needing to be pushed against it to release the safety. These non-marring tips work in conjunction with the tools' safety mechanisms and greatly reduce any unnecessary marring on the material surface. They actually work kind of well. I would assume that one would see positive results using these attachments on just about any type of surface on which you are stapling/nailing.