Golden Snitch Spinner

Golden Snitch Spinner


I wanted to make some golden snitch spinners as party favors for my son's Harry Potter themed 8th birthday, but I did not find an existing model that I liked, so I modeled my own from scratch. I liked the design of [Valandar's Snidget Spinner](, but I hated using supports and I found the assembly with the bearing to be clunky and loose. His model has beautiful aesthetics though, so I used his design as a template for mine. The ribbing on the ball was tricky in Solidworks, but I got it done and it came out pretty well. -- FEATURES -- Small Hands: Since I want small hands to be able to use these, I reduced the outer spin diameter traced by the wings from 120 mm to 80 mm (~3-1/8"). To keep the wings from looking super short, I wrapped them around a bit. No supports: The bottom of my wings don't look nearly as good as Valandar's version, but they print without supports, so I call it a win. Scaling: I sized the ID of the body at 22.1mm and the OD of the cap post at 8.0mm. On my printer, the 608 bearing (22mm OD, 8mm ID) fits well, with a press fit in the body. Please feel free to scale up the body and scale down the pins if they don't fit your bearings. For the body, each 0.45% you add will increase the bearing diameter by 0.1mm, so if you print at 100.45% scale, the opening will be 22.2mm. For the cap, each 1.25% you add will decrease the pin diameter by 0.1mm, so if you print at 98.75% scale, the pin will be 7.9mm. It is fine to scale in XYZ, as adding a bit to the height of the body or decreasing the height of the cap will not affect the finished product. There are sufficient gaps between the body and the caps to absorb this. CAD models: As always, I am attaching both my original SolidWorks CAD models and IGES versions in addition to the STLs, to make it easier for you to remix the designs. I used to attach STEP files, but I have been seeing STEP conversion errors in Solidworks lately, so I using IGES instead. Any 3D CAD modeling program you use should be able to open IGES.







Toys & Games