Minolta/Sony A-mount Aperture Key
This is a aperture key for Minolta/Sony A-mount lenses that allows you to manually adjust and hold aperture in a lens. This should be useful for people using cheapest macro extension tubes ([like this ones that I use](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32531451135.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.264d4c4dyGX0Ih&sku_id=58491677688)) or using [double-lens macro trick](https://www.instructables.com/Double-lens-reverse-macro-for-an-SLR/). **Usage:** It is pretty simple, just insert at the mount end of the lens carefully (watch out for aperture lever) and then rotate it to open and close aperture. Friction will hold the key in place after you set aperture the way you want. If you're using extension tube, then plug in the key after you put the mount adapter from the tube kit on. **Safety:** This design includes some safety features (like protruding edge to prevent rubbing against lens control contacts and limiter to prevent user from turning the ring too far and breaking the aperture lever), but it still might cause damage to your lens if mishandled, so be careful and don't force it too much. As usual,you're doing everything at your own risk. **Compatibility:** I've tested (and confirmed working) this one mostly with old 80s-era Minolta lenses I've got: - 50mm 1.7; - 28mm 2.8; - ZOOM 100-300 4.5-5.6; - ZOOM 100-200 4.5; - ZOOM 35-70 4; - ZOOM 35-105 3.5-4.5 so I assume it will work with most other lenses, too. I have tested it only on one modern lens (which is 18-55 Sony kit lens) and since mounts are supposed to be the same (main difference is number of contacts, but it's accounted for in this design) it should work on other modern lenses, but I advise to be careful with modern lenses and don't force it if something feels wrong (and I would also appreciate feedback on compatibility, drop a comment).