Electrogravitic lift in a vacuum test environment Concept.

Electrogravitic lift in a vacuum test environment Concept.


3D printable electrogravitic lift testing vacuum chamber test environment - Concept / experimental 3D parts. A plastic/perspex pole or pillar mounted inside a cylindrical (vacuum) chamber combined with a ultra lightweight round ringed disc shapes for testing electrogravitic lift and or other propulsion methods inside a vacuum chamber concept. one could create several handy a collection of 3D printable shapes, adjustable in size, that can be fixated inside a vacuum chamber with the provided shapes or ones of choice. power different sections with separately controlled fixed "onboard" the shape power supplies perhaps fixate "onboard" sensors for timing these power supplies for a possible self balance test. or balancing the input on one side to create a dip in the lift to simulate creating lateral motion. experiment with different configurations and or battery locations using 3d printable battery / component holders. for instance one could mount 4, 6, 8 or more springs on the top and bottom for protecting the device from damage when moving up or down the craft (violently/extreme high power). one could mount top and or bottom batteries onto the shapes lift area. one could plate the shape with a light conducting material or foil for instance and use the printable plastic, non conducting little spikes to string a thin electric wire between the separated from the foil electric wire grid above the foil, allowing electrons or ions, to jump straight down from the wire and discharge onto the foil, on multiple balanced and or controlled relative locations, creating a downward force or ion-wind, with the ability to control and or power sections separately, allowing the shape to levitate at different heights along the center pole. one could try to power the "top" or "hull" of the 3d printed non conducting disc shape, and have the wiring and thus ion wind follow along down the shape, in turn following the entire shapes "orientation", creating a downward flow for the electrons, allowing them to come back up the system when used, by flowing back up under the disc shape, completing the circuit, while creating a controllable, "downward" electrogravitical force or ion wind. A prefab test environment could make testing electrogravitic lift in a vacuum a breeze.





