![Drone Interlocking Station Charger](https://3dcrawler.ams3.digitaloceanspaces.com/thingiverse/4850869-Drone-Interlocking-Station-Charger-1917510671.png)
Drone Interlocking Station Charger
One could 3D print a matching drone and recharging station combination. I call this design Drone Interlocking Station Charger. For this concept i merely designed a quarter of the total shape, as one could print 4 of the exact same quarter shapes and put them together to form a completed circular disc and matching station. One could then land the disc shaped drone into the disc shaped ground station, interlock them for safety, power and information transfer up/download. after recharging, the drone could automatically follow a specific flight route, complete it, and return to the home-pod or home-base and recharge, all without human intervention, automating (private) security scout flights guarding our/your borders for instance. The design has solar panels facing straight up in this example as i wanted the combination to be hurricane resistive when inter-locked. the disc shape design is already pretty wind resistive, but not perfectly perhaps, so when bad weather is expected, with hard winds the drone could return home early and interlock with the base for further safety during a storm or worse. Below the blue solar panels is of course plenty of room for mounting battery packs, that can maintain full power or a better amount like 80% to maintain battery-life longer. the base could be equipped with an extra power and or information line of course, allowing the batteries to be fully prepared to receive its drone. The drone in turn has plenty of battery space as well, and preferably photovoltaic cells spread all over its outer hull, when the time arises for it to finally become possible. the drone could fly longer when self charging by solar, yet longer flights, and more cargo or weight carried can always deplete the onboard batteries quicker, making it necessary to find the closest available Drone Inductive Charging Station. people could allow for anonymous use of their personal charging station when not in use by themselves or in absence of the home drone, during maintenance for instance. a little more pods than drones could be helpful like we do with electric car charging stations today. the base module also has an air filtration system inside, for insuring safe air inside the drones life-system during a lock-down. thick safety windows in the top hull part ensure a great sight during a hurricane perhaps. when docked the drone and base become a unmovable command center or shelter for a team of scientists operating in different (hard to reach) environments, or even install multiple of them on a (moving) aircraft carrier, as the home-pod acts like a Gps home beacon, (auto docking sequence), and sensors in both platforms continually communicate their locations for the landing of a matching drone. this system could also be used as a (fixed) transportation system of course, especially with multiple base-pods and drones switching bases and recharging on available empty ones. move to a location, recharge while loading up cargo, load up flightpath and or other information, then relocate to the destination of the goods and repeat. once we get better at automating all these events, we could have them fly 24/7 excluding maintenance checks.