Extruder Frame Cover for Anycubic 4Max Pro 2.0
This is a simple open extruder cover to replace the original extruder cover from the Anycubic 4Max Pro 2.0. I had issues with some filaments loosing little chips inside the extruder toothing which I have to clean sometimes. It is annoying to remove screws just to clean the extruder toothing so I designed this part to allow the printer to be used without an extruder cover. Also I did not like the cable to hang down like this so the back part has a feature to hold the ribbon cable. The side wall is needed for the limit switch when homing and has an incline of 2,3 degrees which should be the same as the original cover. The ribbon cable can be placed in the slot on the back side. Make sure the wires to the hotend are bent and placed properly in the slot as there is no mechanism to hold them back anymore. It can be bent and fixed with a small zip tie.