A8 Plus Afterburner Carriage with BL Touch 3.1

A8 Plus Afterburner Carriage with BL Touch 3.1


This is an X Axis Carriage for the Anet A8 Plus (46mm bar spacing) for the Voron Afterburner with BL Touch (or the original inductive sensor). You'll need M3 Hardware and heat inserts for it. To protect the BL Touch from the hot end fan, you'll need a closed plate for your hot end. I included an example for the Phaetus Dragon hot end. Bonus points if you print it in a heat resistant material (I recommend ASA) then add a layer of foil tape. The closed design still lets hot air out the sides. I may put together a more inclusive hardware list later, but it's pretty self explanatory once you print it out. Offsets for the BL Touch are: X: 0 Y: -21.25mm Z: 2.63mm from the nozzle tip ( you'll still have to work out your own probe Z offset) Enjoy.







3D Printing