MPMD E3D V6 Effector

MPMD E3D V6 Effector


Decided to replace my stock heatsink/throat assembly on my MPMD with a V6 that I had lying around. I decided I would design one with two cooling fans since I had been using a dual part fan with my stock hot end already. One of my main design criteria was to keep the size small but use 4010 fans for all 3. I also attempted to design so that the parts could be printed on the MPMD with no supports. Since the 4010 fans are quite large I decided to utilize the 3 fans as structural members. The top and of the effector is attached to the hot end and the bottom of the effector is attached to the control rods. The fans act as the joining supports between the top and bottom. The whole printed unit is made up of 3 parts which are fastened together using M3 bolts. The front axial fan is attached using M3 screws and the side fans are attached using the smaller screws that came with the duct fans. The rods are attached to the effector using 3 M3x60 rods although long M3 bolts could also be used. The rods need to be parallel so you may need to shim to ensure that they are. I printed in ABS since I usually use my printer for ABS and I find that the ABS is more rigid than PLA or PETG. If you only print lower temp filaments you can probably get away with printing the parts in PETG. You might get away with PLA since the hot end fan is quite a bit better than the stock fan, but I have not actually checked this out. In order to utilize the 2 part fans you will need to upgrade your Firmware to the marlin build that supports part cooling and will have to add wiring to support this as well. I have a 16.5A PS on my machine so I added an auxiliary, switched power connector. The top set of connectors are controlled by the top switch, the centre set of connectors are always on and the bottom set are controlled by the bottom switch. I use the power from the centre to run my hot end cooling fan and use the original fan wire to control the 2 new part cooling fans. Parts Fans: 1 E3D V6 hotend 1 4010 12v axial fan 4 M3 bolts to hold front fan (approx 20mm) 2 4010 12v duct fans 8 Duct fan bolts (M2 or M2.5) Printed Parts: 1 Top Left 1 Top Right 2 M3 bolts to hold top sides together (approx 18-20mm) 1 Effector_Base Rod Connectors: 3 60mm M3 threaded rods (nuts and washers) or 6 30mm M3 nuts bolts and washers Assorted wires and connectors



