Caster Adapter for Metal Bakers Rack

Caster Adapter for Metal Bakers Rack


Awhile back I bought a set of casters in hopes to fit my bakers rack. I did not test fit the casters when they arrived (or within the return period) as I was unable to fully access the rack. When I finally got around to this..I found the casters I ordered would not fit the threads on the legs of the bakers rack. I then decided to design and print a set of adapters that would allow me to use the casters I purchased. So far I am quite happy with the results and I will upload more pictures once I get the last caster mounted to the final adapter that just finished printing. I decided to use a couple drops of hot glue to secure these in place even though there is a good interference fit already. The adapters fit 3/4" (19mm) round tubes which is about the standard size although I do see one of my other racks is 1" (25mm) For this Bakers Rack and other racks with 19mm (3/4") tubes.. Casters I used are here.. I will upload a 25mm size in the near future and if you need any other sizes please feel free to post up a request. I am also including the sketchup files for those wanting to mod the design themselves. Cheers!



