Prusa i3 Mk3S 4.3 inch Touchscreen LCD panel / frontpanel

Prusa i3 Mk3S 4.3 inch Touchscreen LCD panel / frontpanel


Extended design of the prusa LCD front panel. Incorperated with a 4.3 inch LCD DSI Screen from waveshare. All available designs are for a 3.5 inch version, however this design allows for the 4.3 inch DSI version of waveshare. - Panel is tilted back from 45° to 30° to fit underneath the printbed - 2 mini rocker switches are added, for instance to disable the LCD backligth - in the LCD cover, there are mounts for the Adafruit DSI extender and for several dupont crimped connecters. This allows for easier mounting and dismounting. Requires several m2.5 bolts to connect the LCD to the LCD cover. And several DIN912 M3 bolts and several square nuts (DIN562). Printing of the front panel just fits the prusa heatbed: no skirt and rotated with 36° Currently printing this. pictures will follow



