Anet A8 Plus Electronics Box for SKR 1.4 Turbo, Raspberry Pi 4b and Buck Converter
This is a case I designed to hold a BTT SKR 1.3/1.4/1.4 Turbo, a 5V buck converter, and a Raspberry Pi 4B for my Anet A8 Plus. This is the buck converter I used because it will take 8-35v input voltage and output 5v at 3A max to power the 4B. I also picked this one because it's sealed and includes the USBc adapter. Simply add the wires to the input terminals at the bottom of the SKR Board. You will also need a right angle USB cable (I'm shortening mine, but it and the buck converter wires will route under the SKR board). This is the one I used: It is designed for passive cooling, but feel free to remix and add fans if you like. The STEP file is included. I also used M3 heat inserts on mine.