Micro Swiss Direct Drive for CR10/10S/Ender3 - Smooth Fang Optimized

Micro Swiss Direct Drive for CR10/10S/Ender3 - Smooth Fang Optimized


The aim of this setup is to get good performance with PETG by minimizing heat creep. I have modified/designed each component for better air flow and functionality. I am using this setup with a 40x20mm fan for maximum air flow on my CR-10 and the stock fan on my Ender 3 Pro. **MicroSwissFanDuct** - Original design to increase air flow on the sides of the Microswiss and force some air flow onto the heat break. I was having an issue where the nozzle was getting loose after a couple hours of printing, with the air flow on the heat break the connections have stayed tight for months of printing. The air duct is adjustable up and down so it does not need to exactly follow the position of the fang position adjustment. Print with support because the bolt tab is elevated slightly for fit. **Back Plate** - Removed some material to allow air to exit **Extruder Knob** - Original design. Compact with a locking bolt/nut. Visible from the front for viewing from a webcam. It is easy to turn and will not slip on the motor shaft. **Part Fan Velocity Stack** - Removed some material to match the diameter of the fan. Removed some material from the bolt holes so the 40-20 bolts supplied with the fan can be used. This is enough protection that I no longer impact the fan blades with tools and it's easy to measure the vacuum with a piece of paper. I lost track of the original thing part. **Fang** - Added a cable track for the wires **Direct_Drive_Clip_Cableholder** - No changes. **Retract** - Custom model for testing retraction and heat creep. Heat creep is hard to control when you are only pushing a small volume of filament per second. The larger cylinders consume enough filament that you can test retraction. The small cylinders let you know how it will perform when printing a small details where heat creep oozing is more of a problem. This shows up as branches growing from the cylinders. Watch that you only have one retraction at each end because sometimes the infill will create a retraction. I was able to get good PETG performance with these settings on the End 3 Pro. The CR-10 worked best at 230 degrees with the same roll of filament. This is likely due to variances in the thermistors. 235/80 degrees 50 mm/s speed 2 mm retraction 50 mm/s retraction speed .1 coasting volume 40% cooling fan 88% flow --> PETG 100% flow --> PLA If you are looking for something practical and fun to print check out [3D Grip Gears](https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/gadget/3d-grip-gears-phone-clamp-tripod)



