NEJE 3.5W, 7W, and 20W air assist nozzle

NEJE 3.5W, 7W, and 20W air assist nozzle


An air assist nozzle that press fits on the standard lens. The standard version directly connects to a 4mm ID silicone tube, and the bowden version that uses a piece of bowden tube in between the nozzle and the silicone tube. The latter is useful if you switch laser modules often as the the silicone tube disconnects easily from the PTFE of the bowden tube. air output doesnt seem too affected by the smaller diameter of the bowden tube (ymmv). as tube and bowden tube guide on the pictures i used the different clips from as they are perfect for the job. P.s. the number in the filename refers to the diameter of the nozzle. 15mm should fit the standard lens snugly but depending on your 3d printer 15.2 or 15.4 might fit better.



