MK8 Extruder Humidity Cover

MK8 Extruder Humidity Cover


I have a filament feed box to enclose the filament spool up to the extruder and allows me to leave the filament out on the printer for extended time without it picking up too much moisture. It works well on my Anycubic printer which allows the bowden tube to be connected to it the extruder inlet. See here for the filament box: However, on my Tronxy XY3 and printers using similar MK8 extruders, there remains an exposed section from the extruder inlet and exit. Also, there isn't a connector for the incoming bowden tube and the bowden tube will gradually move away at each retract cycle. This Thing provide a means to clamp the in-coming bowden tube in place and a cover to over the extruder. Though not airtight, it is much better than being fully exposed. This design relies on the presence of 2 tapped 3mm holes at 20mm apart on the extruder mount flange, this fits the Tronxy XY3. Hardware parts: Screw 3mm x 35mm length x 1pc to secure the clamping block to the flange Screw 3mm x 16mm length x 1 pc to close the bowden tube clamp Nut 3mm x 1pc Printers using the MK8 extruder



