Decent Index Station
The Decent Index Station (DIS) is my attempt at a station or stand for the Valve Index headset and controllers. The design is a balanced tradeoff of function, comfort and convenience. The main design goals are: *- Storing the index "facing up"* *- Supporting the index on a rigid section* *- Comfortable to grab* *- Modular build* *- Wiring and electronics ready* The complete build consists of 3+ parts connected with sets of M5 screws and bolts. The headset rests on two extrusions of the main holder. The controllers are hanged on the arms. The main part can either be wall mounted or mounted to the foot. The foot has canals for cables. The main part in turn has room for cables within the joints to other parts. Joining instructions: Minimum 4 M5x25mm screws and supporting nuts, but 8 or more sets are recommended. 6M screws are used for wall mount option. FootLower and FootUpper should be glued together. Glue on and around the supporting block, just care that the glue might run down and block the cable canal. Full design idea description: *- Storing the index "facing up"*. This minimizes dust landing on the lenses and makes it more difficult for sunlight to reach the lenses. Also, it removes the risk of the headset taking damage from sweat. After games like beat saber it is common for the face gasket to get sweaty, which has a risk of running down to the electronics causing damage. *- Supporting the index on a rigid section*. The headset should not be "hanging" by a single point. The weight of the headset should not be in risk of damaging itself during storage. *- Comfortable to grab*. The gamer should use as few hand motions as possible to get geared for VR. The controllers are positioned so they can be grabbed correctly and lifted off in one hand motion. Right controller is on right side and left controller is on the left side. *- Modular build*. Sections of the build can be added, discarded or modified to fit what is desired. The main part has options for a stand or wall mount. As long as the male-female connection fits this allows users to build their own parts on top. *- Wiring and electronics ready*. The parts are made with the intention to have internal spaces and canals for electronics. The main block has enough space for an Arduino nano and some supporting electronics. This is for possible implementation of RGB lights or other interesting fluffs.