Aerogarden Bounty / Bounty Elite Easy Trellis Extension

Aerogarden Bounty / Bounty Elite Easy Trellis Extension


A simple print extension to Aerogarden Bounty's trellis system. Mix and match as you wish. We use these with garden ties / wire for green beans and soy/edamame beans with great success. Should work great for any climber including cucumbers. These are sized to fit directly into the Aerogarden Bounty trellis mount holes or onto the trellis itself. There are also holes on top, sized to fit more of these trellis extensions or the Aerogarden trellis itself. The fit is tight and snug, not loose with Hatchbox PLA. Have not tried PETG yet, but that should work just the same. I printed at 50% infill which seems pretty heavy duty and capable of holding heavy cucumbers. You need to print at least two of these, one for each side!



