DC Motorfocuser myDCFocuser Arduino Version 1

DC Motorfocuser myDCFocuser Arduino Version 1


Hi, for my DC Motorfocuser for my telescope, I wanted to buil a case for the electronic based on the "myDCFocuser" Arduino Project von Robert Brown. All the parts and schematics regarding the electronic can be found here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/mydcfocuserrelativedcfocuser/ Normaly the remote control of such standard focuser reduces the 9V of the battery down to 7V. This is why a Buck converter LM2596 is used, so that 12V can be used as input and delivers 7V output to the L9110S and arduino controlling the motor. A Dallas temperatur sensor is used. Such DC Focuser can be used either with the myDCFocuser Software from Robert Brown, or via ASCOM with standard astrofotografy software like APT. ASCOM driver can be found on the Robert Brown's internet site (see link above). The black cover of the motor needs to removed before you put the 3D case on it. My 3D Printer is a Anycubic i3 Mega. Eventually you need to widen stuff, depending on your own printer tolerances, since I had to tighten everything in order to not waste space under my telescope. At least it gives you some insperations to make your own.



