Nimble I3 Titan Aero mount

Nimble I3 Titan Aero mount


Titan Aero dedicated x-carriage and matching motor+idler ends for I3 style printers using 8mm rods. The benefit of this assembly is a nozzle that is close to the XZ plane for better use of Y dimensional space, a probe mount that is closer to the nozzle, a more stable mount with centre of gravity in-line with plane of motion. I don't think you can get a smaller more nimble mount than this for this hot end on an I3 printer. My motivation for this was being able to have my probe hit all points on build-plate that the nozzle does, wanted less ringing of head and better quality of prints. Also, the height profile is higher but in the end, given the lower x-bar drops closer to build plate, you only loose 6mm of build height -- my printer went from Z_MAX of 256mm to 250mm. Note that this is with the Volcano hot end, I have not checked if a shorter one is too short so check that if it applies to you! Full project is at Github



